Writing For The MTNA e-Journal
The MTNA e-Journal is a peer-reviewed online-only journal that welcomes submissions from all areas of the music teaching profession. We seek in-depth, scholarly, research-oriented articles that are well-written, engaging and offer original perspectives.
Why Should I Write For The MTNA e-Journal?
- Peer review
- Indexed with ProQuest, Repertoire International de Literature Musicale and EBSCOhost
- The inclusion of audio and video to enhance content
- Digital platform allows for lengthy articles
- High visibility for maximum exposure
- Prompt publishing
General Guidelines
- The MTNA e-journal will not consider manuscripts that have been submitted to any other publication.
- If you have an idea for an article, but have not written a manuscript, you may send a query letter to gauge interest. A query letter should include a brief outlines, the angle and tone that will be used and a list of suggested illustrations or other supporting materials. In your email, include your name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
- The MTNA e-journal retains and controls the copyright to all published manuscripts.
- Authors are asked to sign an Article Submission Agreement that will be sent to them via email after a manuscript submission is received.
- Examples of the types of articles published in the MTNA e-Journal can be found here and in the archives.
- The MTNA e-journal is an Internet-based journal published four times a year by Music Teachers National Association: September, November, February and April.
- Members of Music Teachers National Association receive the e-Journal as a member benefit.
- Nearly 75 percent of MTNA members are independent music teachers; 15 percent are college/university instructors; 5 percent are students; the balance teach in other settings.
- Approximately 75 percent of MTNA members list keyboard as their primary instrument; voice, strings, woodwind, brass and percussion comprise the remaining primary instruments.
- Articles are generally more than 3,000 words, including citations and references.
- Authors are asked to provide digital files of music, graphs, photos and other illustrations as color digital files.
- When possible audio and/or video files will also be used. Audio must be submitted as .mp3 files, and video must be submitted as .mp4 files.
- Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to use musical examples, audio, video and photos when necessary. If a publisher requests a fee for the right to reprint, the fee is the author’s responsibility.
- All copyright information (i.e. date, publisher, etc.) must accompany any copyrighted material that is being used.
Manuscript Preparation/Submission
- The MTNA e-journal accepts only manuscripts submitted as a Microsoft Word or text document and uploaded using the button below.
- DO NOT use footnotes or endnotes. Use the author-date system with a reference list (Consult the Chicago Manual of Style for examples.) Manuscripts not following this format will be returned to the author for correction prior to peer review.
- Manuscript should include a brief abstract/synopsis of the article.
- The author’s name or other identifying marks should not appear anywhere on the manuscript.
- The author’s name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address and a 35-word biography will be input to a form.
- Receipt of the manuscript will be acknowledged.
Peer Review
- Most manuscripts are reviewed individually by all members of The MTNA e-journal’s editorial committee, who will recommend one of three courses of action: accept with definite publication, accept for further consideration or reject.
- Based on these recommendations, a final decision will be made regarding a course of action.
- The author’s identity remains unknown to everyone but the managing editor throughout the review process.
- This process can take several months.
- Authors will be notified of the decision.
- The MTNA e-journal will not provide commentary on rejected articles.
- Authors do not receive compensation for published articles.