Linda Essick Cockey, NCTM, Chair
Salisbury University
Salibury, Maryland
Linda Essick Cockey, NCTM, is professor and chair of the department of music at Sailsbury University in Maryland, teaches piano, music history and a wellness in performance course. She holds a DMA degree from The Catholic University of America, where she studied piano with Thomas Mastroianni and pedagogy with Barbara English Maris. She has authored numerous publications on musical topics, presented papers for several national organizations and is an active performer.
Paola Savvidou, NCTM, Chair-Designate
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Paola Savvidou serves as Wellness Initiative Program manager and adjunct lecturer in music (piano) at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance. She frequently presents research on the intersection of wellness and piano pedagogy and has received Article of the Year awards from American Music Teacher and the MTNA e-Journal.
Laura Amoriello, NCTM
Ithaca College
Ithaca, New York
Laura Amoriello joined the Ithaca College faculty as Assistant Professor of Piano in Fall 2015. She previously served as adjunct assistant professor of piano at Westminster Choir College of Rider University from 2004 to 2015.
Carla Davis Cash
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Carla Davis Cash is associate professor of piano pedagogy at Texas Tech University where she serves as chair of the keyboard area, teaches courses in pedagogy, supervises keyboard-area instructional TAs, and coordinates the undergraduate class piano program.
Diana Dumlavwalla
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida
Diana Dumlavwalla, NCTM, is on faculty at Florida State University’s College of Music as assistant professor of piano pedagogy. She serves as an examiner for the Royal Conservatory and has performed across three continents.
Gayle Kowalchyk
California State University Northridge
Northridge, California
Gayle Kowalchyk is a faculty member at California State University, Northridge. She earned a doctorate degree from Teachers College and is a co-author of Music for Little Mozarts and Premier Piano Course.
Kenneth Williams
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Kenneth Williams, associate professor, directs the graduate programs in piano pedagogy and coordinates the class piano program at Ohio State University. He received the 2002 AMT Article of the Year Award.