Making The Most Of Your MTNA Membership

In addition to the various conferences, workshops, networking that MTNA provides, are you taking advantage of all the benefits that MTNA offers exclusively to its collegiate and young professional members?

Grants and Awards

Collegiate Chapter Grants provide financial assistance to individual collegiate members to attend a national event, or provide financial assistance to MTNA Collegiate Chapters for the development of the Chapter’s presence in the community through projects offering educational and professional development for collegiate members, as well as support and promotion of music in the community. Find out more about the grants.

Complimentary Conference Registration

Collegiate members who volunteer for six or more hours during the MTNA National Conference will have their registration fee waived. To inquire about how you can receive this benefit, contact

50 Percent Off Active Member Dues Following Graduation

Are you graduating this year? If so, MTNA wants to help you out by offering 50 percent off your first year of active member dues. Many states affiliates offer this discount too. To start your active membership at the discounted rate, e-mail

50 Percent Off MTNA Certification Application Fees

Collegiate students who apply for MTNA Professional Certification will receive 50 percent off the application fee. This enables students to become a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music while completing pedagogy course requirements. For more information about the program or to apply, visit