July 2023, Volume 2, Issue 4 (Open Access)
As much as I have enjoyed serving as MTNA’s first Business Resources Coordinator, I recently shared with MTNA Executive Director and CEO, Gary Ingle, that it is time for me to move on to other adventures. I am thrilled that Karen Thickstun is taking my place as MTNA’s Business Resources Coordinator. Karen is committed to cultivating best practices in the business areas of our profession and I can’t think of a better person for this job!
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April 2023, Volume 2, Issue 3 (Open Access)
Are you wanting to try something new in your teaching career? Perhaps establish a private music school? Broaden your current clientele? Upgrade your studio framework? This digest offers excellent advice on opening a commercial space, expanding clientele to include adults, using scheduling software, interviewing students, understanding non-compete agreements, enhancing teaching through online classes and building your arts community.
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January 2023, Volume 2, Issue 2 (Open Access)
In our ever-changing world, we continually need to learn “how to.” This Digest offers suggestions for a number of “how to’s,”
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October 2022, Volume 2, Issue 1 (Open Access)
Financial stability is fundamental to all independent music schools and studios. This issue of the MTNA Business Digest focuses on multiple areas of financial health, including the reasoning behind what we charge, the financial benefit of group lessons, how to attract more students through our websites, tips for financial security, a CPA’s answer to questions about finances and taxes, and an overview of MTNA’s Business Resources.
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